Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to Entertain with Style - not the Biggest Budget

Happy Wise Wednesday....with our thoughts on creative entertaining. Our own Tasha Bracken was recently quoted in a Boston Business Journal article titled, Entertaining on the Cheap Doesn't Need to be Shoddy.

This article has us thinking about our economic environment and how it is the perfect foundation for those businesses who can offer amazing services AND work with the smaller budgets forced upon clients. And this doesn't mean compromising the WOW factor. Maybe in the past clients had carte blanche to spend what they needed to create a signature event, but now they need to be frugal and fabulous. Combining creativity and collaborating with the right event professionals, there is less overhead and cost can be reduced. Enabling a bigger portion of funds to go to decor and other elements that produce spectacular events.

Although it seems the economy may be reviving slowly, smaller budgets are still in the horizon for the event industry. Companies, non-profits, and even brides want the most for their money while still achieving an unforgettable event. To reach this goal, a new formula for planning needs to be implemented. The approach is to envision, design and execute using resources that expand budgets while producing the same high-end event.

Thankfully, economies are cyclical - so the economy will turn around, but clients will always look to spend wisely rather than the kitchen sink approach. And why would you plan an event any other way?

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