Tuesday, June 8, 2010

TRENDSPOTTER: The Four C's: Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carats

 We're still basking in the glory of our wonderful couple from last weekend...definitely planning withdrawal, but at least we have the amazing Fireplace Latin Festival and Lupus Foundation gala to keep us busy!!  We hope to see many of you there.

This week we are talking bling, bling, bling; it's all about the ring, the first step in matrony bliss..  First, did you know there are many customs surrounding the wedding ring?  In the United States, the wedding ring is worn on the left ring finger, in Russia on the right, in Europe the name of the spouse and date of the wedding are engraved on the inside. Whatever the culture, a ring on such a finger indicates an engagement and all the excitement that comes with it. Although one may think that a ring is simple, so much variety goes into it that the possibilities are limitless when it comes to style.

The trend in rings today is an antique, more classic look that is timeless. Yellow diamonds are also seeing a lot of buzz, especially for someone who wants to make a statement and venture from the norm.  They are a gorgeous alternative.

So after you've selected the style, what else is there to think about...well we've all heard of the four Cs and they are critical to selecting the perfect ring for you.
Cut: Cut involves the proportions of the diamond as opposed to its shape (Marquise, Pear, Princess, etc.) A correctly cut stone has light dispersed as it enters back through the diamond's top facets. When a stone is cut too shallow or deep the light that enters at the top escapes through the bottom and does not allow the maximum beauty of the diamond to be realized.
Color: The best color for a diamond is no color at all.
Clarity: The clarity of a diamond is determined by the amount and location of flaws. Flaws make a diamond worth significantly less.
Carat: This is the weight of your diamond. Easy to calculate and also important in determining the worth of your diamond; however, two diamonds of equal carat may not be worth the same due to their differences in cut, clarity, and color.

Salut to your engagement!

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