Friday, July 8, 2011

Keeping your cool on your wedding day

It's Friday and there will be many weddings this weekend so before you take that walk down the aisle, here are some tips for keeping your cool...even in a heatwave!

1. Be sure to get a good night sleep. You don’t want to be tired on your wedding day. You have a lot of celebrating to do.

2. Eat a nutritious breakfast. It will provide a wonderful start to your wedding day, but make sure you are still eating throughout the day. Your body needs to have a good amount of nutrition.

3. Set aside time to be by yourself, even if for just 5 minutes. You need to just go in a separate room were no one else is in and sit down and relax for a few minutes.

4. Finally let go! Don’t worry about the details. There are other people around you who are willing to help out.

5. Play that one song that gets you in a good mood and relaxed -play it while you are getting ready. Laughing and having a good time with your girlfriends will create less stress for you.

6. Have ONE glass of champagne. It’s your wedding day and you should celebrate before you walk down that aisle. One glass won’t do any harm, but make sure it’s only one.

7. Don’t wear a watch. There is no need for you to know the time. People will inform you that it is almost time for the ceremony.

8. Turn off your cell phone. No one needs to contact you and if they do, they can speak to your maid of honor.

9. Sneak away somewhere together during the reception where you can watch everyone. You two just got married it’s the next chapter in your life, so just soak in the wonderful moments.

10. Smile! The big day is finally here, you’re getting MARRIED to your best friend and the love of your life. Feel that rush of excitement when you wake up that morning.

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